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Balabhadra Pattnaik’s Learning Journey

Global Talent Management Leader
Balabhadra Pattnaik’s

Balabhadra Pattnaik, MBA, GTML™

Head of Talent Management at Al Jazeera, Qatar


GTML has offered multiple opportunities to design and deliver impactful talent management initiatives at my workplace.

  • How did you decide to become GTML certified?

    A friend introduced me to TMI, and I found the GTML certification a worthy testimony of professional competence.

  • What were the most interesting aspects of the GTML learning journey?

    The book of knowledge on talent management by TMI and the experience and diversity among the cohort members.

  • Please share some insights into your approach to preparing for the GTML exam.

    Revisiting the concepts of talent management and reflecting on them through the real-life work experience of oneself and other cohort members.

  • Would you like to give some advice to young HR professionals who want to take up a talent management role?

    Get a solid grounding in various talent management principles and practices. Read and reflect on the available case studies on talent management. Take the lead in introducing impactful talent management interventions at your workplace. Share your experience with fellow talent management professionals and learn from their feedback.

  • How has your GTML credential and the applied knowledge helped you in your career and personal growth? How does it help you in remaining competitive?

    It has offered multiple opportunities to design and deliver impactful talent management initiatives at my workplace. Being connected to leading talent management practitioners across the globe has helped me to remain competitive.

  • What are, in your opinion, the essential characteristics of a Talent Leader?

    1. Visionary: A talent leader has a clear vision of the organization's future and the role talent plays in achieving it. They articulate this vision to others and inspire them to work towards it.
    2. Strategic thinker: A talent leader assesses the organization's talent needs, develops long-term strategies for talent acquisition and development, and makes informed decisions based on the big picture.
    3. Strong communicator: Effective communication is key for talent leaders. They are able to clearly convey expectations, feedback, and goals to employees, as well as actively listen to their needs and concerns.
    4. Empathetic and people-oriented: Talent leaders genuinely care about the well-being and growth of employees, showing empathy and understanding for their needs, aspirations, and challenges.
    5. Culturally aware: An effective talent leader recognizes the importance of a diverse and inclusive work environment and actively promotes these values within the organization.
    6. Agile and adaptable: Talent leaders are able to adapt to changing business landscapes and evolving talent needs. They are open to new ideas and approaches and are able to pivot quickly when necessary.
    7. Collaborative: Talent leaders work closely with other leaders and teams within the organization to align talent strategies with broader business objectives. They are skilled at building relationships and fostering teamwork.
    8. Analytical and data-driven: Talent leaders use data and analytics to inform their decisions and measure the effectiveness of their strategies. This helps them continuously improve and optimize their talent management practices.
    9. Results-oriented: A talent leader's ultimate goal is to drive organizational performance by maximizing the potential of its human capital. They are focused on delivering results and measuring the impact of their talent initiatives.
    10. Lifelong learner: Talent leaders stay informed about the latest trends and best practices in talent management as well as continue to develop their own skills and expertise. This helps them stay ahead of the curve and bring innovative ideas to the organization.

  • How will you describe your GTML certification journey in one word?


Furrukh Ismail

Furrukh Ismail's Learning Journey

Specialist HR Advisory and Talent Management, Oman


Studying for the GTML certification enabled me to holistically understand the entire Talent Management process and how individual practices interconnect.

Read on to know more
Talent Management Practitioner

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