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Talent Development Trends in 2019 and Beyond

Two major challenges concern the leading talent managers of next-gen organizations:

Disruptive technologies are reshaping the job market and changing talent demographics are bringing forth newer expectations from talent managers. Talent managers now play a strategic role and their job isn’t as simple as that of conventional HR leaders used to be. Millennials and Gen-Z seek and need much more than their predecessors and skill market needs are constantly revamping. Time and resource crunch further add to this predicament. So how do talent managers address contemporary challenges in a way that brings maximum benefits from fewer focused efforts? Could learning and development efforts be an answer?

The Factsheet Talent Development Trends 2019 And Beyond answers these and many more questions. Download the factsheet to get must-know talent insights:

The factsheet is a must-read for:

  • Talent Managers

  • CEOs and CHROs

  • HR professionals

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Talent Development Trends in 2019 and Beyond

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